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The Plenary Report summarises biological, fishery, stock assessment and stock status information for 80 species or species groups, each of which is split into 1-10 stocks. The Plenary takes into account the most recent data and analyses available to Fisheries Assessment Working Groups (FAWGs) and the Fisheries Assessment Plenary and also incorporates relevant analyses undertaken in previous years.

This page enables you to search through all plenary reports since 2006.

7 items
Document detail
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary, November 2016: stock assessments and stock status
13-ROCK LOBSTER_2016 RE-TRY.pdf (4.9 MB)
 The November 2016 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 16 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. CRA

Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary November 2014: Stock Assessments and Stock Status
13-CRA_2014_FINAL.pdf (3.0 MB)
The November 2014 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 17 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Rock lobster (CRA and PHC)
Title: MID-YEAR_09-CRA_09
09-CRA_09.pdf (751.2 kb)
7.1 Jasus edwardsii, NSN substock
7.2 Jasus edwardsii, NSC substock

7.3 Jasus edwardsii, NSS substock
In 2006, CRA 7 and CRA 8 were modelled simultaneously as separate stocks within a new multistock model. The assessment was not finalised in the time available; however, both stocks showed increasing CPUE to levels not seen since the 1980s. CPUE in CRA8 in 2006 was well above the target set for the rebuilt stock (1.9 kg per potlift). This indicated that it was time to develop a management strategy designed to maintain stock biomass, and this was done in 2007. In 2009 the 2007 management procedure for CRA 7 triggers a decrease in the TAC for CRA 7 to 104.5t for the 2010-11 fishing year. The results of the decision rule for CRA 8 estimates a decrease of 0.5% in TAC. However, the minimum change allowed under the rule is ±5%, thus the proposed TAC remains unchanged under the CRA 8 management procedure forthe 2010–11 fishing year.

7.4 Jasus edwardsii, CHI stock
The most recent stock assessment for CRA 6 was done in 1996, using catches and abundance indices current up to the 1995–96 fishing year. The status of this stock is uncertain. Catches were less than the TACC 1990–91 to 2004–05, but have been within 10 t of the TACC since then. CPUE showed a declining trend from 1979–80 to 1997–98, but has then increased in two stages to levels higher than seen in the early 1990s. These observ
Title: Fisheries Assessment Plenary, November 2015: stock assessments and stock status.
The November 2015 Fisheries Plenary Report summarises fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information for 16 of New Zealand’s commercial fish species or species groups in a series of Working Group or Plenary reports. Volume 2 covers Rock lobster to Yellowfin tuna.
Title: 00_NOV 2010 Plenary Report Complete
NOVEMBER 2010 Plenary Report Complete.pdf (3.5 MB)

This report presents the status of the fish stocks for highly migratory species, rock lobster and toothfish resulting from research and stock assessments up to 2010.

Title: 09-CRA_2010
09-CRA_2010.pdf (737.3 kb)
This document summarises the most recent New Zealand fishery, biological, stock assessment and stock status information about Red Rock Lobster and Packhorse Lobster.
Title: Mid-Year Plenary (CRA_08)
09-CRA_08.pdf (153.6 kb)
Mid-Year Plenary (CRA_08)